Digital access to information is a human right that allows people to access, create, and share information. It’s also a fundamental part of freedom of expression and communication. 

Free independent and diverse media are essential for democracy. Blogs, social networks, content aggregators and search engines enable individuals to access information and communicate with thousands of people in completely new ways.

Together with traditional media, these new media actors are today essential sources of information. Artificial intelligence (AI) significantly impacts the collection, use, storage, and disposal of information by enabling automated data gathering, advanced analysis capabilities, efficient storage solutions, and intelligent data deletion mechanisms, leading to more streamlined processes while raising concerns about key human rights issues including privacy and data security due to the vast amount of data collected and analyzed.

It can also have an indirect impact as a result of human oversight or inaccurate data source such as unintended discrimination against a gender due to inadequate machine learning data. 

This review developed for the UN Working Group on Business & Human Rights attempts a brief overview of Nigeria and Africa’s artificial intelligence regulatory framework and the gaps in these frameworks.

Download The Full Document.

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